About the Analytical Methods Hub category

Nitrosamines Impurities Analytical Methods Repository

  • It is a public online repository containing non-compendial analytical procedures (analytical notes) for the testing of nitrosamine impurities and related substances.
  • USP’s scientists curate these analytical procedures through internal development/validation or through scientific review of non-compendial donations. They are NOT compendial standards.
  • The procedures in the analytical notes should be validated by the user. USP is not and will not be responsible for use or implementation of the procedures.
  • Hosted in The Nitrosamine Exchange. The Analytical Hub allows keyword searches and the view of key analytical procedure parameters and chromatograms.
  • The analytical notes can also be downloaded in PDF format solely for internal use and it contains all the information needed to run, process and report the analysis described in the note.


Are the Technotes from LCMS and other technologies vendors accepted?

@Frabaneda we are looking at the potential donation of method for the analytical Hub. You can message me with potential ideas or suggestions for methods to include. We will certainly need additional validation data to build the application note. You can use the current note as reference.


Hi Naiffer,
can you please send me your email and I will send the different methods?

My email address: ner@usp.org

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