57th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2023)

During the September 2023 “57th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2023): TOXICOLOGY - MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE LEADING TO SAFER AND SUSTAINABLE LIFE”, some posters on nitrosamine toxicology were presented (you can find the abstracts back in Toxicology Letters from Elsevier):

P03-22 Sensitivity of primary human hepatocytes and HepG2 cells for genotoxicity testing of N-nitrosamines in the in vitro alkaline comet assay (from the Fraunhofer Institute, cf. EMA funded Mutamind project)

P24-41 Nitrosamines impurities carcinogenicity assessment –regulatory requirements, challenges and recommendations (from the consulting firm ToxMinds)

P22-29 Spherical harmonic based clustering as a NAM to classify carcinogenic potency of N-nitrosamines (from Harmonic pharma, Loria and ERBC, France)

P24-05: Nitrosamines in medicinal products: a regulatory overview (from CBG-MEB; the author Ira Koval is a member of EMA NcWP NS OEG)

As the abstracts are interesting but quite brief, I was wondering if any of the forum members visited the conference last week and would care to give some insights on take-aways from the conference with regards to nitrosamines?