7,080 in vitro genetox study records for 500 nitrosamines?

Lhasa published Vitic 2022.1 data release. Vitic Vitic is a chemical database and information management system offering access to high-quality, expertly curated toxicity data.
The addition of more study data has included the expansion of the nitrosamine dataset, which now includes 1,034 carcinogenicity study records for 262 nitrosamines

We have several Lhasa scientist in our community, in case you would like to connect and learn more about this news… Perhaps we can host ‘Live Nitrosamines Conversations’ to learn more?


how can we learn more?

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@fernandaw community members want to learn more about the in-silico tools. Let’s work together on organizing a ‘Live Nitrosamine Conversations’ session

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Yes. It would be great, if we could cover some aspects of NDSRI Assessment in the discussion