Call to review USP Risk Assessment Review Toolbox

I would like to join

I would like to join

Hello Naiffer, apologies for this late feedback but I have some colleagues who are willing to jointhis review as well. Feel free to email me to follow-up. thanks

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Dear Naiffer,

I would like to join this group, if possible.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Isabel Garcia
Regulatory Affairs Specialist

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@Naiffer_Host , I am interested in joining this group.

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Good morning/afternoon/evening
I wanted to provide a short update on this initiative.

  • We are in the USP’s internal process of clarifying the process we will use.
  • We are creating a terms agreement that will need to be shared and made clear to each participant.
  • As part of this initiative, we intend to exchange insightful and fruitful information, so we need the right platform and plan for it.
  • We are planning to host review/brainstorming sessions with the group based on your expertise and interests. This will not be ‘only send comments’ but dynamic and highly engaging work.

More to come soon!!



I would be interested to join.

I would also be interested to join, thanks!

I would be interested to join.

Hello Naiffer,

If not too late, I’m very interested in joining and contributing! My academic background is in molecular biology/genomic science/cancer research, and my industry experience is in the area of preclinical toxicology with a considerable (recent) focus on nitrosamines risk assessments.

Please count me in =)

Crystal D’Silva


I will be glad to be part of the advisory group and work together through a common goal.


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Hi Naiffer,
i would like to join this group also!!

Hola Naiffer,
Estoy interesado por formar parte de este grupo de trabajo. saludos.

I would be interested to join

Hello, Naiffer nowadays I greatly involved in risk assessment in my job in EDA.
could you please enter me in the risk assessment group