N-Nitroso meglumine

Struggling to develop the method of NDSRI N-Nitroso meglumine in Telmisartan Tablets. Impurity shows very notorious behavior. Any one having methods or feed back in regards please let me know.

@DPandey Thanks for reaching out to the community … Can you fill in additional details, what have you tried? What did not work? What progress have you made so far?

Dear Naiffer, thanks.
I am facing challenge in regards inconsistency of impurity in terms of area response. Used various diluent but n-Nitroso meglumine area response fluctuation observing. Right now using Sugar HPLC column. Your expert opinion will help me out.

Hello @DPandey, Greetings from Doctors’ Analytical Labs, India.

Try using the below column and mobile phase composition

Kinetix biphenyl
250*4.6, 5 micron

M.P. A
0.1 % Acetiic acid in water

M.P. B
0.1% Acetic acid in acetonitrile