dear all
I just wanted to share with you the news that I will de talking for the first time in depth in respect of the implications of the revised EMA Q&A and Health Canada guidance at the following event in September
dear all
I just wanted to share with you the news that I will de talking for the first time in depth in respect of the implications of the revised EMA Q&A and Health Canada guidance at the following event in September
Dear Andy,
By any chance is possible to attend online?
@Diego_HM , you read my mind.
thanks for the questions:
In terms of the course I run this twice yearly. Once face to face the other virtually (planned for March 2024). However I can examine the feasibility of making the Sept event a hybrid
I kindly request your thoughtful consideration of this hypothesis.
In terms of attending this remotely I have discussed with the organisers - Scientific update and they do not support this unfortunately. That said I will present this as a virtual course in April 2024.
@AndyTeasdale if you would like I can offer the nitrosamine exchange as a platform to host such discussion. We are hosting Raphy next week to talk about the safety implication of the updates on a very casual dialog with our community members!
I’ll be happy to work with you on it
hi Naiffer still need to catch up with you on this and indeed other topics