Reactivities of N-Nitrosamines against Common Reagents and Reaction Conditions -Pub

A fantastic publication by Hodgin et al. on the knowledge of Nitrosamine reactivity… A must read for your risk assessment and understand the complexity of Nitrosamines formation.

Article open access:

The knowledge of the reactivity of N -nitrosamines (NSAs) with common organic reagents in synthesis is essential in determining their presence in pharmaceutical products, if formed and retained during synthesis. In this study, we carried out a comprehensive survey of the Reaxys database for all reactions in which the NSA functional group is consumed. Very different reactivities for different classes of NSAs, e.g., N ,N -dialkylnitrosamines and N ,N -diphenylnitrosamine, were identified, suggesting substrates which should be included in any future reactivity screening. A classification of NSAs based on their reactivities, and corresponding reagents and transformations, was drawn up based on the data. Furthermore, the survey identified missing areas in the reported reactivities of NSAs with different reagents. This led to an experimental reactivity screening of 8 commercial NSAs with common synthetic reagents in the Mirabilis tool for purge assessment. The results showed Na2S2O4 in 1 M aqueous NaOH at 50 °C to be highly effective at destroying NSAs without damaging other organic compounds.


Thank you Sir for sharing the article. I strongly recommend downloading the article references as they provide valuable insights into the fundamentals and advanced information about Nitrosamines/NDSRIs.

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