Share about Nitrosamines Exchange during your presentations!

Dear Community Members,

It has been a busy winter :cold_face: or summer :hot_face: (depends on where you are in the world! ), so many revisions, new guidelines, new developments, new science, new findings, new risks, new challenges!!

I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and active participation in the Nitrosamine Exchange community. Whether you’ve contributed to our daily discussions, asked insightful questions, or simply brought new perspectives to the table, your engagement is what makes this community thrive.

Our collective work has not only strengthened the global network of scientists working on nitrosamines, but it has also helped advance the sharing of critical knowledge in this field. The value of our interconnectivity lies in our ability to serve as a hub for the latest developments, research, and solutions that can positively impact our work across the industry.

Many of you have expressed interest in sharing your experience in this community with colleagues and industry peers. To support that, I’m pleased to share a few slides that you can use in your presentations or discussions to create further awareness about this platform and our shared mission. Your help in spreading the word will ensure that our community continues to grow and evolve.

Thank you in advance for sharing this community with others, and for your continued dedication to advancing the conversation around nitrosamines. Together, we are making a significant impact.

Warm regards,
Community Manager, Nitrosamine Exchange

USP Nitrosamines Exchange - Community Information.pdf (1.4 MB)

@trust_user_a @trust_level_1 @trust_user_c @trust_user_d


You must have felt me about to text you! I am giving a “back to basics” (and I do mean basics) presentation in October concerning Nitrosamines, and I was definitely going to include as much about the Nitrosamines Exchange as I could! I also included a QR code to the Nitrosamines Exchange to help presenters. Normally people like to take pictures or visit the QR codes listed in presentations.

@Naiffer_Host - Just double checking to ensure that is allowable (use of the QR code)

Nitrosamines Exchange QR Code


Thanks Naiffer! We are also going to give a nitrosamines class in 2 weeks as part of a Toxicology course and I will certainly mention the community there as well!


Thank you, Naiffer. I will share the slides if I have the opportunity at the workshop in Japan today.


thanks Naifer for the summarized presentation and thanks a lot for starting all of this!!

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Thank you very much for the space and the opportunity to discuss the topic of nitrosamines.

I also appreciate the material you have shared.

It will be invaluable for a presentation I will be giving in October.

The audience is keen to understand the analytical challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry, and your resources will greatly enhance the discussion.


:bouquet:Thanks, Naiffer and USP for creating such an informative platform to discuss the Nitrosamine topic. Appreciate this and all your shared materials. Sure, will continue to contribute. :smile:


Thank you very much @Naiffer_Host for this very useful platform. I really appreciate the exchanges and the topics covered.

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