The Nitrosamine “Saga”

“In the cave you fear to enter, lies the treasure you seek.” - Joseph Campbell

Just as Luke Skywalker’s journey to becoming a Jedi Knight required him to confront his fears, we also face a common challenge with nitrosamines. The article The Nitrosamine “Saga”: Lessons Learned from Five Years of Scrutiny provides a summary of major achievements in the past five years regarding nitrosamines and offers insights into potential developments for the near future.


The strides made in the past five years and the anticipated developments offer hope in tackling the challenges posed by nitrosamines.

As we venture into the dark cavern of nitrosamines, what treasures await discovery? With continued dedication and collaborative efforts, we can unveil innovative solutions to mitigate nitrosamine risks, ensuring a safer and healthier future for all.

Kudos to: @conudel, Grace Kocks, @Bruno1 , @David, Joerg Schlingemann, Stephanie Simon, Graham F. Smith, @AndyTeasdale, Anne-Laure Werner


tagging in @schlinjo1975, @SSimon (can’t find the others, sorry)

I won’t say who designed the graphical abstract :stuck_out_tongue:


I think I’ll take a guess…

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It’s a fantastic article!! It includes lots of information related to nitrosamines such as nitrosamines from food, endogenous nitrosamine formation in our body, nitrites in excipients, feasibility of analysis, etc. And realistic AI is a challenging idea. It’s a different approach from CPCA, but I think reasonable.

My favorite is the “Alt.AI” which is calculated from new surrogate compounds. After we learned CPCA, nitrosamines look more alike with new surrogates.


If you have never read it, I strongly recommend you to read it.

And I will use “pseudo-NDRSI” for aromatic heterocyclic compounds whose nitrogen is nitrosated.

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