It is indeed very interesting the impact of milling/grinding based on NOx. It is something that for sure needs to be considered. There are complex and simple ways for doing it. The simple ways may not neccesarily reduce significantly the formation but are so easy that is worth trying (e.g., in the manufacturing instruction to put a note to please close the bag when you are not sampling).
Regarding the sample preparation, yes it does happen. It is normally recommended to perform a sample preparation assessment as part of the robustness.
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Thank you for asking, @MarkS. When I talked with the excipient manufacturer, who provided MCC with nitrite of less than 0.1 ppm, he explained that the test samples would be carefully stored to remove as much air as possible and prevent air from entering them. I think it is the same. Grinding will increase nitrite in the samples. If there are serious concerns in the measurement, I guess an antioxidant might be added to the solvent.
Thank you for the additional information, @Diego_HM. I agree with you. It is noteworthy that grinding increased NOx gas in the API. Grinding in an agate mortar appears to be a model of pin mill grinding. NOx gas monitoring in the air may be mandatory in the milling/grinding processes.
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N-nitroso atomoxetineの混入に関連して、ニプロ、日本GE、第一三共エスファでも自主回収をおこなっているそうです。
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アステラス社製のベタニス錠25mg (一般名 ミラベグロン)がN-ニトロソミラベグロンの混入により自主回収(クラスII)されるそうです。